The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Saturday, October 1, 2011


 It's tradition! Every time Conference rolls around, we know that we are getting together that Saturday night. All the boys/men go to dinner and then to the church to walk the Priesthood Session and the girls all get together for a little Girl's Night Out.

This time we had the "after" treat at our house and we celebrated Libbie and Jay's birthday. Jay really wanted an applesauce cake and so that's what I made.

I love getting the cousin together - we all have such a great time together, laughing over silly stuff and having a great time together. That's what family is all about, the laughs. Connor has just been called to the Marshall Islands and leaves November 16th. We'll miss him but we know he is doing the Lords work.
 I was so glad that Don and Karen came up from St. George. We really miss them and we love to see them every chance we get.
Holly (McKie's roommate and friend) and McKie
McKie has just been called to the Dallas, Texas mission and Holly has been called to the Scotland mission. They enter the MTC at the first of next year.

Libbie turned 12!

 Funny story - the candles on the cake were "trick" candles and so they lit back up after Libbie blew them out. So Jay, who turned 29 this year, took a turn blowing out the candles. So I held up the cake for him to take a turn. He blew so hard, the top of the cake and the powdered sugar blew into my face.  My face was covered!
Let the good times roll!
Libbie brought a few friends with her.

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