The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Paint the County Pink

 October is breast cancer awareness month and so of course Salt Lake County had a bunch of activities to spread the word and promote awareness and prevention. They wrapped up the month by having a walk, everyone gathered on the 3rd floor of the Government Center and walked the loop 3 1/2 times, which is a mile, and there were a bunch of prizes. I won a T-shirt! There was also a contest for the person wearing the most pink, even the guys were wearing pink! (Dustin and the boys do not own anything pink though - we're all boy at our house.)
I talked my friend and co-worker, Anna Stoker, into coming with me and Dustin came too because you could get 25 Healthy Lifestyle points which equals about $5.

 After the walk they had treats for everyone, mini cupcakes because they are more proportion to the size we should have. There were also granola bars and fruit leather.

 We were the only ones with a stroller!

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