The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Classic Birthday Party

Luke is one lucky boy! He was able to have a friend birthday party and it was at Classic Fun Center. (Not a lot of preparation which was fine with me.)

I asked Luke what kind of a birthday cake he wanted and he said a firefighter one. Okay - I can do that, with a little help from my hubby!! We had a fire truck cake pan but I couldn't see the lines after we put the base frosting on. So Dustin outlined the entire shape for me - he is the BEST!! He did such a great job.
After outlining the cake, he helped me fill in everything. He does awesome wheels!!

I thought it turned out really good. I was really impressed with our work and Luke loved it.
Plus it tasted really good. Luke invited 8 friends to his party. His friends that came: Connor Hoag, Eva Lunt, Megan and Tommy Allen, Alaina and Lydia Miller, and Andrew and Tyson White.
Connor, Eva, Luke and Alaina

After all the kids arrived, we had cake and then we opened presents.
Tommy & Megan = cool (BIG) puzzle with stickers
Eva = outfit with a cool motorcycle on the shirt
Alaina & Lydia = Cars bath set (with a cool pretend camera that Luke carried around)
Connor = cool Cars car

We spent the rest of the time playing on the Jungle Gym and Bouncy house. The kids had a blast running every which way We were there for a couple of hours and they could have stayed longer (mom and dad were done though!). Dustin promised Luke they would definitely come back.

Grant even had fun!

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