The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Conference Breakfast

Another tradition. Poppy always makes us Ebelskivers for breakfast and we watch Sunday morning conference together. They take a long time to cook so we only have them at Conference and Christmas morning. But that just makes it all that more special and delicious!

We were so glad that Jay was with us this time. He had a scheduled rotation that he was originally going to do in Mesquite but at the last minute they had an opening in Salt Lake and so he was able to come home for 5 weeks.

 And Grant is so cute, we can't help but take a bunch of photos of him.

We decided to take a drive up the mountains and look at some of the fall colors. So we packed a picnic lunch and off we went. Out picnic backpack was a little on the heavy side. Luke really wanted to carry it but it was too much for him.

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