The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Riches Family Reunion

Time for the annual family reunion for the Lawrence and Alice Riches family. This year we did another summer party instead of the usual Christmas party. We get together for a potluck lunch and games for everyone to play.

In this game, everyone had a straw in their mouth and the goal was to pass a mini donut to the next person using your straw and not your hands. Dustin helped Lucas with this game (and the others he wanted to play).

This was a fun game. Each team was given a tube that had some holes drilled into it. Everyone had to work together and plug the holes as well as they could while pouring water in the top. Then, as a group with the holes being plugged by fingers and hands, the group would stumble their way over to a bucket to pour the water in. The team with the most water in. (OUR TEAM WON!!)

In this game, the person at the front of the line had a bucket of water in front of them. That person would get a cup of water and pass as much of the water it could over their shoulder to the next person and so on and so on. The team with the most water in their bucket after 5 minutes would win.

For this game, everyone tied a balloon to their ankle and the object of the game is to pop everyone's balloon without getting your balloon popped. Lucas didn't quite understand what was going to happen because he got pretty scared and upset when his balloon was popped.

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