The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Monday, July 11, 2011

Play Group tour of Holladay Fire Station

Today we went to the Holladay Fire Station for a tour. It was pretty interesting. The fire fighters we talked to let all of the kids get into the truck and walk through. Then one of the fire fighters put all of his equipment on. I felt pretty bad for him because it was pretty hot and he was sweating in all those layers.

The firefighters talked about some pretty important things like Stop, Drop and Roll. We definitely need to talk to Lucas about fire safety and how to call 911 in case of an emergency.

 Fire fighter Steve gave each of the kids a high five so they would realize that he's not that scary in all that equipment.
 Right in the middle of our tour, the alarm went off. The fire fighters started shutting all the compartments they had opened and getting in the truck. Just before they pulled out of the driveway, a call came that it was a false alarm. Somebody was cooking breakfast and burned their toast. Lucky for us, we were able to finish our tour.
We were able to see where the fire fighters sleep, eat and hang out when they aren't on calls. There were 6 recliners all around a TV and a kitchen with 3 refrigerators. The kids were climbing over all the recliners.

I spotted an ambulance and i asked if we could get a look inside. I've only been in an ambulance once and I hope to never require another ride - ever. The kids thought it was pretty cool inside. They were crawling over all the seats and the stretcher. Those crazy kids!

 Afterwards, they pulled out their uniforms and let the kids who wanted to, try them on. Since the jackets were as long as the kids, they didn't bother with the pants. The helmet was a little heavy, Lucas couldn't quite lift his head to smile at the camera.

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