The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Family Fun Day!

The Days of '47 put on a event called Family Fun Days and it was held at the State Fair grounds.It was specifically for kids and it was free. They had a bunch of games that were all for kids. Whether they actually won the game or not, they got a prize. Lucas was quite proud of the prizes he won.
Although, to play this game Lucas was told to throw the bean bag into the clown's mouth. So Lucas walked up to the clown and threw it in the mouth. After we laughed, we told him to stand back and throw it in.

The Ring Toss

Lucas loves the fishing ponds.

Lucas did pretty good at throwing bean bags at the cans. He managed to knock them all over!

Highlight of the trip! The Army brought in some of their Hummer's and a truck with a crane on it. Lucas was able to operate the crane himself and move it up and down and around! Way Cool!!

Lucas also sat in the hummer with one of the soldiers next to one of their guns. Bird's eye view on top!

Lucas and Daddy went to see the fire trucks while mommy took Grant inside. It was very hot. Lucas was able to hold a fire house and turn on the water! (It was turned on so low that it was like a garden hose.) Lucas was leaving when he walked in front of another boy who was trying out the fire hose. The hose turned on and got Lucas right in the face. Whoops!!
And what carnival wouldn't be complete without a bouncy house and slide.

We found Poppy inside the building with all the crafts. Lucas and I made a covered wagon and a horse.
Grant was so cute. I was talking with him while waiting for Lucas to finish playing in the bouncy houses. He was smiling up a storm. So Cute!
It was the first time that he smiled for mommy!

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