The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Friday, July 15, 2011

Birthday Fun Date

For Dustin's birthday we went to a movie and dinner. We saw the new Harry Potter (the movie may not have been Dustin's first pick but he went anyway). The movie was really good, a perfect finish to all the movies. And just for the new movie, they made the 3D glasses look like Harry Potter's glasses. Pretty nifty huh!
But the best part about our date, besides the fact that we watched an entire movie without having to pause it once, was dinner. We had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory and it was delicious! We had so much food that we really could have shared a meal and both been satisfied. We both ordered our own cheesecake as well - it was the cheesecake factory, of course I had to have my own! Dustin went with the original and I had the dulche de leche. To die for!

We definitely took leftovers home.

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