The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Grant's Blessing Day

Grant Harrison Bowers was blessed by his father on July 3, 2011.

The priesthood holders who blessed Grant: Poppy, Jay Pierce, Grandpa Pop-Pop, Steve Wagstaff, Jerry Wagstaff, Nathan White, and Andy Nash

After sacrament, we invited everyone to our house for dinner. We had sandwiches on the back patio while the kids played on the play set. Lucas loves having kids to play with so he was in heaven.
Our Family

The White's and the Bowers with Grandma B.

Poppy and Grammy with Grant

Uncle Jay and Uncle Joey with Grant

The Pierce/Bowers Family

Aunt Jessica and Andrew holding Grant

Grandpa Pop-Pop and Grandma Bear-Bear holding Grant

Grandma B. holding Grant

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