The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Monday, July 4, 2011

Fourth of July

We started our Fourth of July pretty early. Grammy and Poppy wanted to take Lucas to the parade and they showed up before 8 AM to pick up Lucas for the parade. Dustin and I hurried to get ready and then walked down to where they were seated. Lucas was having so much fun collecting candy from the different floats.

Jay had gone to IHOP to get some breakfast and he was nice enough to get us some breakfast too. what a nice brother/uncle!

Grant slept through the parade - I guess it wasn't that interesting to him!

This is what we ALL did after we got home from the parade - took a nap!

We had dinner at our house that night. Grammy bought steaks for everyone and we had a feast! After dinner she made funnel cakes for everyone - they were so good! Grandma Bear-Bear and Grandpa Pop-Pop joined us for fire works in front of our house afterwards.

Jay and Joey bought fireworks for the boys to light. Lucas was so excited. He told me a couple days before that uncle Jay was going to take him to buy some fireworks and they were going to buy a red one, a blue one, a green one, and maybe even a white one! He LOVED it.

 The Fireworks show that Murray was shorter than they usually do but we still enjoyed it. I love the fact that we can see them from our house but after the show, I go into the house and go to bed. No traffic jams for us!

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