The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Riches Family Christmas

Christmas Day afternoon is always spent at Grandma Riches' (aka Grandma Bear-Bear) house. It used to be that we would open presents from G&G Riches but now we just get money, which is totally fine by all who receive. Now, instead we do a white elephant gift exchange. Which I might add is truly a good time. Luke started first because he was the youngest there.
The gifts he opened were a fish bowl with a plastic fish (I thought this was truly a genius gift and the fish, named Gus, now lives on my desk at work). He also opened one for Grant as well, since Grant was sleeping, and he opened a
The gift I opened was originally a box of chocolates but Dustin took them from me since it was an awesome gift so I picked another one and received a travel coffee mug with an awesome neon green sweat band and a sunglasses bag. Apparently that gift was so cool that Brad took that from me and I had to open another one of hazelnut hot chocolate mix that I knew Dustin would love.
Don, Karen(holding Boomer), Ean and Katie(holding Winston) Brandon.
Katie had a marvelous gift which included a can of nuts. Keep in mind that Katie is very allergic to nuts, she was not very impressed by the gift. So she gave it to Don and opened a mug full of candies and a pad of paper. Karen got a stuffed elephant with a blanket.
McKie, Colton, Marianne, Mark (holding Twix), and Libby (holding Snickers) Peck.
Connor is not in the picture because he is on his mission in the Marshall Islands - he did call on Christmas Day and we had a chance to talk to him and hear some humorous things happening to him on his mission.

Mckie opened a toy ball shooter and she gave it to Luke (who LOVES it by the way).
Grammy and Poppy
The Original Pierce Family
Joe, Laura, Mom, Poppy and Jay Pierce
Jay got the BEST gift - a package of senior diapers so everyone let him pick another gift and he picked another winner - Christmas pillow cases. Poor Jay!
Joe received a really cool bike horn and Poppy opened up a package of Spree candy canes and mint chocolates.
Shauna and George

Corri, Addie, Adam, George, Shauna holding Mary, and Sara

Grandma and Grandpa Riches
aka Grandma Bear-Bear and Grandpa Pop Pop
Uncle Brad
(Ashley chose not to be photographed)

Sara, Adam and Luke playing the organ

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