The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Saturday, December 31, 2011

More Lukey-isms

I love that he is wearing a cape - he wouldn't take it off for anything
Lucas really does say the darnedest things and there is always something that makes us laugh. Sometimes Lucas is quick to say berate us for laughing at him, he really doesn't appreciate it. But he has become quite the talker! He is constantly talking and asking questions. Oh the questions he asks, if only they were easier to answer.

Lucas loves to stand on the fence in the backyard and watch the neighbor kids. (What comes to mind is the neighbor from that Tool Time show.)

Can I have a beneto bar? (granola bar)

"Look mom, a Pitaco!" (Lucas has been watching lot of Toy Story 1 and Mr. Potato Head turned his facial features into a 'Picasso' in the movie.)

"Let's turn a moobie on for me." (Lucas is convinced that he needs to watch a movie every night before he goes to bed.)

"I can't find my Bull-zoder. Do you know where it is?" (Bulldozer)

"Where's my quonkey truck?" (concrete truck)

Dustin had a chiropractor appointment and had taken Lucas with him. While waiting for the doctor to come in, Lucas asked Dustin if they were waiting for the "make you feel better guy"? (the chiropractor, Dr. Vance)

Lucas has also informed Dustin that he doesn't like the peanut butter with the nuts in it, he likes the slimy one! (Dustin's favorite kind of peanut butter is crunchy whereas Lucas likes creamy.)

Lucas has taken having a new brother in stride but he was a little curious when I was nursing Grant. He wanted to know where he was getting his food from when we told him that Grant is actually drinking milk. So the next time I was feeding Grant, Lucas comes up and asks if Grant was eating from one side and drinking from the other.

Lucas has discovered that he likes eating hangabers. (Hamburgers)

Lucas had informed Dustin that he needs to get Lucas his own ladder since he's a big guy now. (Yes because that's exactly what we want our 3 year old to do - play on ladders!)

Grant has turned into quite the little talker. Whenever he starts "talking" we try and engage him by saying things like "And then what happened?", "Uh huh", and "Really?". Luke has now gotten into the action because Dustin heard Luke "talking" to Grant in the backseat of the truck, saying the same things we say, as they were driving somewhere.

Grammy, Poppy, Uncle Jay and Uncle Joe were coming to dinner and Luke knew they were coming. Grammy is the new favorite and so Luke was asking every couple of minutes, when is Grammy going to be here? Finally he grabbed the timer sitting on the kitchen counter and turned it 20 minutes and said when it went off, Grammy was going to be here. I knew it was going to be more like an hour and a half so I turned it back farther. Ironically enough, as soon as it did go off, Grammy had arrived!

To distract Grant while changing his diaper, I have started to tell him the story of the Little Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly. He loves it and Luke loves it. One night Luke asked me so many times to repeat the story over and over and he started to fill in some of the blanks. One of the lines he knows is, "perhaps she'll die." Only when he says it it's, "Pershaps she'll die."

Dustin and Luke were packing clothes for our Thanksgiving trip to St. George and Luke asked Dustin what he had packed for him. Dustin said he packed 4 shirts, 4 pants and 4 underwear's but Luke said, "No Dad - they're garnets!"  (garments)

Dustin is teaching Luke my phone number and how to call 911 in case of an emergency. When they were showing me, Dustin asked Luke 3 or 4 different times, "what's mom's number again?" Luke would then repeat it - except he keeps forgetting the nine. Anyway, after the third or fourth time that Dustin asked Luke what it was again, Luke asked Dustin, "Why do you keep forgetting?" (because Dustin had asked him so many times)

Dustin was making lunch and Luke wanted a "chocolate sandwich", Nutella with PB, and when he opened the bread they discovered it was all moldy. Dustin explained that the bread was moldy and if we eat it, it could make us sick. To which Luke replied, "Well you're already sick so why don't you eat it?" (Because that's really gross- Ick!)

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