The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gingerbread Houses

 We decided to try making our very own gingerbread houses this year with graham crackers. It turned out pretty well but we have some new ideas for next year.

Seth really got into putting a house together and he made a pretty awesome house. Luke and Dustin made a cool 2 story house, Tyson made a gingerbread car and Andrew made a cute little house. Even Grandma B. made a house.

We had so much fun.

Luke and Dustin won the prize for making the Nummiest gingerbread house.

Seth and Luke's gingerbread house

Andrew's house and Tyson's car

Seth, Sawyer and Jess Bowers

Jessica and Nathan with Tyson and Andrew White

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