The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Yes that is Luke's truck and he is "working" on it. Dustin showed me this picture that he had taken with his cell phone while they were working in the garage. Lucas found the jacks Dustinhas in the garage and wanted to jack his truck up. Dustin tried to give him the small one but Lucas wasn't fooled - he needed the big one. Then he slid under the truck on a creeper to take a look. The entire time Lucas was under there, he was commenting on the screws under there and what "work" needed to be done. I thought this picture was hysterical!

It has made me think about how important our time is with the boys and what an awesome responsibility we have. They are watching us and listening to us, are we doing what we should be doing? Luke is constantly asking, "why?" And it's great that's he asking although sometimes it also gets a little tiresome. Poor Dustin gets it more than I do because he is with them the most. I guess in a way, you could say that he is Luke's mentor. Luke desperately wants to be like his dad, be with his dad, and do everything that his dad does. It's a big job but I think that we have the right person for the job. Dustin is an awesome dad and it's great to see how much he cares about the boys and how much time he spends with them as well. Dustin and Luke are constantly snickering and laughing about things that I just don't get. They have such fun together. Grant and Luke sure are lucky boys!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Zoorassic Park

Hogle Zoo had a special exhibit for the summer. It is called Zoorassic Park and there are 13 dinosaurs on display around the zoo for everyone to find. Some of them move and one even spits water on you.

Since the zoo is so close to my work, the boys picked me up on their way so we could all go together.

Grant on Tyrannosaurus Rex

And what trip to the Zoo wouldn't be complete without a ride on the carousel.
I was really surprised that Lucas picked something besides the giraffe to ride.

Of course we had to try out this scale by the elephants. Together our family weighs as much as a baby elephant.

And of course we played on the play set. Lucas loves to climb on things and run around. Too bad he can't do the monkey bars by himself.

Monday, August 29, 2011

We got a Roller!

Unfortunately Grant doesn't stay put anymore but we are excited that he is on track developmentally. Too bad his mom let him fall off the ottoman though. She felt really bad about it. Luckily she caught him before he fell off the couch (the first time anyway). He's not allowed on furniture by himself anymore.
Grant is rolling from front to back and from back to front. His physical therapist says he is doing great and that tummy time is really helping him.
Good job Grant!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Pizza Tonight!

Lucas really likes to help cook. Dinner, cookies, whatever, he has to be in the middle of it all. Tonight we had pizza for dinner, I discovered all the features of our bread maker and that it can make the dough for pizza. Luke's favorite part was rolling it out. Yes that's the rolling pin from his play-doh but don't worry, we washed it first.
Pizza night was a lot of fun and the homemade version is really good!

Monday, August 22, 2011

FHE with cousins

Andrew and Tyson came over to play tonight and the boys had a blast playing together. Lucas LOVES playing with his cousins. They spent quite a bit of time playing outside and we even ate outside. I had picked up a package of hit dogs and some buns and of course I warmed up some veggies. Andrew told me he had eaten a hot dog for lunch but I didn't have anything else that would have been easy to make so he was nice enough to eat another one. Thanks Andrew!
Since they came on Monday night, we had Family Home Evening with them. We talked about our bodies and temples. Part of the lesson was drawing a picture of the temple and the boys took it very seriously, making sure they had the right colors and that it looked just right. They did a good job too. They were really good during FHE and participated with everything. It was a good time.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Mr. Mom

Dustin is now the person who stays home with the kids during the day while I work (because I have the insurance). He has completely embraced his duties as a stay at home dad and this is what Lucas had for lunch today. Dustin had seen this on some website and had to try it out. They have so much fun together - just the boys!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Game Night at Grammy's

The Brandon's came to visit! I was so excited to see them that I organized a game night. I really miss those family parties that we would spend hours playing games. We would play Skip-Bo, Scum and Phase 10. Those were the good old days - so much fun. We got together and had dinner, teriyaki and afterwards played Scum. Joey and Jay made a really good steak teriyaki that was so good, the chicken teriyaki was good too but the steak was so delicious. I made brown rice and steamed veggies to go with it. Gotta get those healthy grains and veggies in too!
Ean brought a "friend" with him, her name is Katlyn. Cute girl, we really liked her. (But maybe it was for the best since his sister's name is Kaitlyn, that wouldn't be confusing at all!)

Of course Lucas didn't play and so Grammy and Karen played with him and held Grant while the rest of us played games.
I really miss those Brandon's and can't wait until we visit them for Thanksgiving! Another game night coming up!!

Bowers Family Reunion

Michael, Kristi & Elle McHenry with Ken and Jillinda Bowers
We went to the annual Summer Bowers Reunion. Each of the Bowers Brothers take a turn planning and hosting the reunions each year and this year it was Ken's turn. We went to a park in Sandy and had lunch that was catered by the Blue Lemon(Michael works there). It was so good. We had pulled pork and chicken sandwiches with a really good salsa and chips and veggies.
We love to see everyone each year and always have a ton of fun visiting with family and catching up on what's new with everyone.
Seth, Jess and Sawyer Bowers
Steven, Neesha & Taelee Sherwood

Dell & Billie Bowers

Kelly, Courtney, Abby and Rachel O'Driscoll
Sam, Jennifer and Ashley Blackham
Bob and Judy Bowers

Grandpa B. and Julie Bowers

Brian Bowers and his friend, Patti

The Bowers Brothers
Dell, Ken, Bob, Dean and Gene

The Brothers and their wives
Dell & Billie Bowers, Ken & Jillinda Bowers, Bob & Judy Bowers, Dean & Paula Bowers, Gene & Julie Bowers

Brandon Bowers

Friday, August 19, 2011

Wienie Roast up Millcreek Canyon

Summer is never complete until you go up the canyon for a wienie roast AND of course - s'mores. We went with Grammy, Poppy, Uncle Jay and Uncle Joe. This was also Grant's first time in the canyon, I think he had fun.

We took up hot dogs, marshmallows with all the fixings and I made everyone have some veggies that I took up. Gotta make sure we have some healthy options as well as the yummy options. It's all about balance, right?
I think Uncle Jay has missed us - we have definitely missed him. We were glad he was able to come back to SLC for 5 weeks while he did a rotation for his PT degree. This gave us lots of chances to see him and do the things we love to do together.

Lucas, however, was a crazy boy. I think he was so excited to have so many people to play with that he got a little too wild. Because he tripped by the fire pit and fell against a roasting stick and burned his arm. He had quite the welt. Of course there were hysterics and we had to look for the first aid kit. Poor Lucas.

Dustin and Joe had a hot dog eating contest and Joe won. It was pretty funny to see the two of them stuffing their mouths with hot dogs.

Of course the s'mores were delicious and sitting next to a fire is always relaxing. We had a really good time.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

British Field Day

A definite must do every summer is attend British Field Days. Dustin loves to drive his mini down to Liberty Park and enter the car show. Dustin has a 1970 Mini Cooper. It's a ton of fun to drive around in and freak people out because the steering wheel is actually on the right side of the car.

Lucas LOVES his dad so much that he wants to do everything with him. So of course he went to the car show with Dustin. They had fun hanging out and looking at cars. Grant and I came down later and we brought a picnic lunch with us. Liberty Park is one of Luke's favorite parks to go to.

Some of the cool cars from the show.

Grant is 3 months old

Grant is 3 months old!

Isn't that the cutest smile?

We have so much fun with Grant, we are so glad he is a part of our family.