The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Monday, August 22, 2011

FHE with cousins

Andrew and Tyson came over to play tonight and the boys had a blast playing together. Lucas LOVES playing with his cousins. They spent quite a bit of time playing outside and we even ate outside. I had picked up a package of hit dogs and some buns and of course I warmed up some veggies. Andrew told me he had eaten a hot dog for lunch but I didn't have anything else that would have been easy to make so he was nice enough to eat another one. Thanks Andrew!
Since they came on Monday night, we had Family Home Evening with them. We talked about our bodies and temples. Part of the lesson was drawing a picture of the temple and the boys took it very seriously, making sure they had the right colors and that it looked just right. They did a good job too. They were really good during FHE and participated with everything. It was a good time.

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