The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Sister Missionaries come to dinner

Lucas pouring Mountain Dew over the apple dumplings.
Who knew you could cook with Mountain Dew?
We had a special dinner at our house. Our ward was having a special day of Service and everyone was encouraged to participate. I thought it would be great to make the missionaries dinner for our service. Plus I had a couple recipes I really wanted to try out and I needed a couple guinea pigs. Lucky missionaries! Lucky for all of us, the food turned out really good and everyone was happy. :)
Lucas loves to help in the kitchen so of course he wanted to help. He now has his own apron (thanks to a very kind Primary teacher). Sometimes he is very helpful and other times not so helpful but I still let him help because he actually wants to spend time with me AND how else is he going to learn? I've heard it said that cooking is becoming a lost art!
For dinner we had chicken and mozzarella ravioli with ratatouille and for dessert we had apple dumplings a' la mode. Both were really good. Dustin and I are both trying to get all our fruit and veggie servings in for our Healthy Lifestyle points. (We are participating in a program called Color Your Palate in an effort to eat more healthy which equals eat more veggies.)
Sister Arbacca and Sister Gould are the new sister missionaries in our area. They are the nicest women I have ever met and it was a pleasure to have them in our home. They shared with us a great message and left us with such a nice spirit in our home. I am thankful to have such a great example for Luke.

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