The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I have an idea!

Lucas says the cutest things sometimes. For awhile he's been saying, "I have an idea. Let's build a tent!" Sometimes he will say it out of the blue. Sometimes, just to tease him, we will say, "I have an idea. Let's build a tent!"

Lately he has moved on to let's build a house. He really likes building a "house" with the pillows on our bed. Here is his latest attempt.

I even tried asking him what kind of a house and he replied, "Like the one we are in!" (Duh!)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Wild Wednesdays

During the winter months, Hogle Zoo has free admission for all Salt Lake County residents called Wild Wednesdays. Dustin took Lucas even though it was a pretty cold day. But the colder days are better because the animals are A LOT more active. They spent quite a bit of time watching the tigers. A couple of the were sleeping but the others were quite playful.

Here is the vulture that Lucas was a little stunned to see ripping apart a cute, little, yellow chick for a meal. Not quite what they were expecting to see.
Of course Lucas rode the carousel because Dustin has a hard time saying no. And since Lucas loves giraffe's, that's what he chose to ride.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


January is always the dirtiest, coldest month where you feel like your vehicle couldn't get any dirtier and if you attempt to wash it, it is dirty again three hours later. What better time to go look at brand new, shiny cars in a climate controlled building?

We all go to the Auto Expo every year, mainly because I drag Laura there, but also because Lucas enjoys going as well. This year we took a look at some really cool Baja trucks. These things will do 80 mph through the desert and you wouldn't even feel it if your ran over a large sand bump, Joshua tree, or even a small Volkswagen. There's some pretty neat technology in these trucks.

Lucas really liked the Army Humvee. Maybe it's the fact that the tires were taller than him and that there were guns on it, who knows. He's all boy.

I really liked the fact that the new Super Duty's have a recess designed into the center console that my iPhone fits perfectly into. I told Laura that it was time for a new truck to hold my phone but we didn't really see eye to eye on the subject.

I didn't get the new truck, BUT... they were doing test drives out in the parking lot. You better believe I got in on that action!

Monday, January 24, 2011

FHE - Emergency Preparedness

It's 10:00 a.m. on a weekday during a winter month. There has been a 6.3 earthquake in the Salt Lake Valley. (Note: The Northridge, California earthquake on Martin Luther King Jr. Day in 1994 was a 6.7 - bridges were broken, buildings destroyed, etc.) Gas lines, sewer lines, and water lines are broken. The whole area is affected by this disaster. You have been notified that you must evacuate your home within 10 minutes. Shelter is available at a local school gymnasium. You have been told you need to walk wherever you go until the situation is under control. You might not be able to return home for 48 hours or longer.
What will you gather in 10 minutes? Will you go to the school gym or somewhere else? Where is your family, pets, etc.?
I went to an Relief Society activity night and these were some questions that were asked. Of course I started to worry about what our family would do in an emergency and Dustin suggested that for FHE we go through our 72 hour packs. Lucas tried to carry his pack but it is almost as big as he is and could barely drag it behind him.
We went through Lucas' pack first and I almost started crying. The clothes for him were 18 month old clothes and there wasn't any food. I thought we were very unprepared. Luckily, Dustin's and my pack are better stocked so we might have been okay. Of course the food dated back to 2008 so we might have starved as well. But the important part is that we have a list and a plan to make them even better.
So...bring on the earthquakes! (Just Kidding!)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Talking Tom

Lucas loves the apps on Dustin's iphone. One of his favorites is Talking Tom and the two of them made a message and sent it to me at work. I loved it and so did my co-workers - they thought it was hilarious!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

FHE - What we are Thankful For

Lucas Loves to say the prayers and we love to have him say them. He knows some key points that he says all on his own but it would be great if he could completely say the prayer on his own. He's done it before but he is very stubborn on having Dustin (it always has to be Dustin for everything!) help him.

Last night for Family Home Evening, Lucas said the prayer and it started me thinking on how we can help him become a better prayer. We've been trying by example but I think he needs a little more. So why do we pray? I decided to focus on things we are thankful or grateful for in our prayers and we had a good discussions about what we are thankful for.

Lucas is thankful for many things but when we ask him specifically what he is thankful for, he gives his customary answer of, "I don't know." So we asked him what he really likes. He really likes his dad and his trucks. I'm sure he thankful for me too (I hope).

Anyway, I am very thankful for my family. I really can't imagine a life without Dustin and Lucas and I hope I never have to. When I pray, I always thank the Lord for our warm house, the nice things we have, and our good food. Sometimes I feel like my prayers are really redundant because I always thank the Lord for the same thing. But I am really thankful for those things. I keep remembering when our family went to the Family Shelter in Midvale and how awful it was. It was cold and who knows where your next meal is coming from. I am really thankful to have food and shelter.

Dustin says: I am thankful for my family. They make me laugh and help me out a lot. Lucas always has something funny to say. He is a very smart kid. He brightens up my day. Laura helps me see the bright side of things and gives me support in everything I do. I am grateful for their great personalities and the strength they give me.
I am also grateful for my other family members. Parents, grandparents, cousins. They all are fun to be around and are supportive. I am grateful for the church and the spirit it brings into our home. The ward we belong to has many people that help us and are fun to be around. I am grateful to live in a country where we are free to live the way we want to. Free to practice our religion, free to express our thoughts and free to be want we want.

Oh, and I'm grateful for cheese.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sledding at Grammy's

We had a lot of snow a couple days before the New Year which made it perfect for sledding. Luckily Grammy and Poppy have a front yard that is great for sledding and since there isn't a fence between their house and the next house, you can go pretty far before stopping.

Lucas was having the time of his life. He would start at the drive way and end up in the neighbors driveway. The he would ask daddy to carry him up the hill. What a spoiled boy.
Joe saw Lucas sledding and he had to join in all the fun! They didn't make it very far though before they fell off. Dustin and Poppy even built a "ramp" for the ultimate sledding run.

It was really cold though so mom had to go inside and take a nap while the boys continued to have fun!

New Year's Day

WARNING - lots of photos ahead!

We had our annual bowling day. Lucas played his very own game - TWICE! He really likes bowling. He let me help him at the beginning of the game. He did pretty good. He had his own ball, a 6 pound ball and a 12 pound ball.

Everyone had fun and of course we took lots of "butt" pictures. It's so much fun to be with family. Jay and Joe did really good, of course they have their own balls and shoes and when they are together, they go at least once a week! Poppy was there and he held his own. Grammy decided to stay home with Grandma Bear-Bear and help her set up lunch.

Dustin did really good. Maybe it was the practice we had from the week before that helped him. His first game he was relieved that his score was better than his three year old son but his second game was awesome! He left us all in the dust!

Lucas insisted on bringing his new fire truck (he sleeps with it so of course he takes it everywhere with him). Everyone had a good time catching up with everyone else.
Lucas decided that the ramp was for babies! He no longer wanted to use the ramp so Dustin helped him throw his ball down the lane. It's so much fun for us to watch him try and be like everyone else. He loves doing what everyone else is doing. All in all, I think it was a good day!