The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sledding at Grammy's

We had a lot of snow a couple days before the New Year which made it perfect for sledding. Luckily Grammy and Poppy have a front yard that is great for sledding and since there isn't a fence between their house and the next house, you can go pretty far before stopping.

Lucas was having the time of his life. He would start at the drive way and end up in the neighbors driveway. The he would ask daddy to carry him up the hill. What a spoiled boy.
Joe saw Lucas sledding and he had to join in all the fun! They didn't make it very far though before they fell off. Dustin and Poppy even built a "ramp" for the ultimate sledding run.

It was really cold though so mom had to go inside and take a nap while the boys continued to have fun!

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