The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

FHE - What we are Thankful For

Lucas Loves to say the prayers and we love to have him say them. He knows some key points that he says all on his own but it would be great if he could completely say the prayer on his own. He's done it before but he is very stubborn on having Dustin (it always has to be Dustin for everything!) help him.

Last night for Family Home Evening, Lucas said the prayer and it started me thinking on how we can help him become a better prayer. We've been trying by example but I think he needs a little more. So why do we pray? I decided to focus on things we are thankful or grateful for in our prayers and we had a good discussions about what we are thankful for.

Lucas is thankful for many things but when we ask him specifically what he is thankful for, he gives his customary answer of, "I don't know." So we asked him what he really likes. He really likes his dad and his trucks. I'm sure he thankful for me too (I hope).

Anyway, I am very thankful for my family. I really can't imagine a life without Dustin and Lucas and I hope I never have to. When I pray, I always thank the Lord for our warm house, the nice things we have, and our good food. Sometimes I feel like my prayers are really redundant because I always thank the Lord for the same thing. But I am really thankful for those things. I keep remembering when our family went to the Family Shelter in Midvale and how awful it was. It was cold and who knows where your next meal is coming from. I am really thankful to have food and shelter.

Dustin says: I am thankful for my family. They make me laugh and help me out a lot. Lucas always has something funny to say. He is a very smart kid. He brightens up my day. Laura helps me see the bright side of things and gives me support in everything I do. I am grateful for their great personalities and the strength they give me.
I am also grateful for my other family members. Parents, grandparents, cousins. They all are fun to be around and are supportive. I am grateful for the church and the spirit it brings into our home. The ward we belong to has many people that help us and are fun to be around. I am grateful to live in a country where we are free to live the way we want to. Free to practice our religion, free to express our thoughts and free to be want we want.

Oh, and I'm grateful for cheese.

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