The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dixie Rock

We passed what we call Dixie Rock several times while in St. George. It's in Pioneer Park and it has Dixie painted on the side.
We promised Luke while we were in St. George we would take him for a hike and when we saw several people standing on and around this rock, we thought it would be fun.
Easy hike but a little nerve racking with a rambunctious child like Luke. He was running every where and climbing things. He was definitely in his element!
The poor dogs have been a little neglected since Grant was born so we took them along. They went on lots of walks and we took them on this hike.

Luke was exploring every nook and cranny. He run to each of these holes and say, "Look at me!"
We took the backpack so it would be easier to take Grant - no strollers here! Grant stayed awake the entire time and I think he enjoyed the scenery. He looked pretty happy!

Luke decided to climb the side of this rock. Dustin was trying to spot him while the dogs were pulling him in the opposite direction. Luke made it without falling and the dogs got to go off on their own for a minute.

The first part of the park is a lot of easy places to walk around and climb. The farther in you go, the higher it gets. Luke was not ready to get in the car for our drive back home and so he and Dustin went a little farther while Grant and I waited in the car with the dogs. A little while later they called me while they were on the top of this rock. If you look closely at the tip, you can see them waving their arms. I'm glad I stayed in the car with Grant. I would have been too worried about slipping on the rock while carrying Grant and this would have involved some climbing.
After an hour of exploring and hiking, it was finally time to go. It was after 4:00 pm and we really needed to get on the road back to Salt Lake City before it got too late. Unfortunately our car wouldn't start. Luckily we were only 10 minutes away from Karen and Don's so we called Don to come jump start our car. It started and we made it all the way to Beaver where we really needed to get gas. But after we turned off the car to fill up, it wouldn't start up again. Crap! We didn't have jumper cables. Luckily we found a guy who called his wife to come help us but after the cables we hooked up, Dustin couldn't find the keys to start the car. Aaahhh!!! Luckily I found my keys and the car started and we made it home, after 10:30 pm. What a day! Oh and Dustin's keys were under a bunch of pillows and bags in the backseat.

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