The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Monday, September 19, 2011

Lucas plays soccer! - Game 1

We signed Luke up for a soccer league that plays at the Holladay Lyons Fitness Center. It was so cute to watch the kids playing and see how excited they were.

We arrived 15 minutes early to get his uniform and meet his coach. Her name is Sarah and his team color was orange. His team name is the Tigers. The uniforms were a little on the big side - not just for Luke but for all the other kids on the team. Everyone had a good laugh as we watched the kids continually hitching up their shorts while running after the ball. One little boy actually lost his shorts while trying to kick the ball (hehehe). More than one kid lost a shoe while they were kicking as well.
Coach Sarah was great about making sure that all the kids played in the game and that everyone had a turn throwing the balls in from out of bounds.
Luke looked so cute with his new uniform and his white tennis shoes.

Every time Luke kicked the ball he always looked back at us to make sure we saw that he kicked it. He would even give us a thumbs up. He was so proud of himself for kicking the ball. We'll have to work on following through after kicking the ball next.

After the game, all the kids huddle together and do a team cheer. Then they try and line up and give all the kids on the other team a high five and a good game.

And the best part is - WE WON!!
Grant LOVED watching the game. He didn't really like it when we yelled but he loved watching the kids run up and down the field.

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