The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Monday, June 20, 2011

Thanksgiving Point play-date

Lucas and I have joined a play group from Grammy's ward. They have a different activity planned each week and this week it was the Barn at Thanksgiving Point. Lucas had a blast and Grant slept through the entire trip. Grammy and Poppy came with us.

Lucas loved looking at every animal. He would stop at each one and yell, "Look Grammy Look!" Or, "Touch it Grammy, touch it!" Needless to say, Grammy did NOT touch any animals but she did look. Lucas loves his Grammy.

They have many different displays and Lucas loves playing in play houses.

Each ticket includes a wagon ride with real horses and a pony ride for the kids.

One of the other moms was nice enough to give us a couple of quarters so we could buy some corn to feed the birds.

The peacocks they had were very cool. O love it when they fan their tails and show off the colors.

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