The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Monday, June 6, 2011

Faith is Like a Seed

Lucas LOVES Primary. Sharing Time was about faith and how it is like a seed. We need to nurture that seed to make it grow. She then proceeded to demonstrate how to plant a seed to the kids. Afterwards, each child received a paper bag with a cup, dirt and some seeds to plant their own.

Lucas insisted that he needed an apron and gloves to plant his seed. I let him have my apron to wear but I refused to get out the winter clothes that I had just packed away to find his gloves so he had to make do. But he did a great job planting his seeds.

I hope he will remember this lesson and continually nurture his testimony. If he does, I know he will be happy because nothing makes me happier that having the gospel in my life.

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