We had Family Home Evening with Grammy, Poppy, Jay and Joe. Our lesson was on The 2,000 Stripling Warriors and obedience. It might have been a little over Lucas' head but it was a good lesson for everyone else. Poppy and Uncle Jay jumped in and tried to help Lucas understand the lesson. The point I was trying to get across is that if we will do what we are supposed to and have faith, then the Lord will protect us. He loves us and has a plan for us. All he asks that we do a few simple things in return for everything he has provided us.
I was very impressed with Uncle Jay and the scriptures he quoted and his comments he added to the discussion. I can tell he truly studies and ponders the gospel. What a great example he is to all of us. I'm glad he is part of our family - he is a great brother.
After the lesson we went outside to have a fire and roast marshmallows. I think we might have made ourselves sick eating all those marshmallows and s'mores.

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