The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Monday, May 30, 2011

Gone Fishin'

Dustin is a great dad. Lucas has been obsessed with fishing lately. So Dustin made him his own fishing pole from a branch, string and a hook. Lucas is not allowed by the creek by himself, so he sat with Lucas while he fished. They had a great time together - just hanging out.

P.S. Lucas has informed Dustin that he is his Best Friend!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

One Last Hurrah

We had a membership to the Children's Museum at the Gateway but it was expiring on May31st so before it expired, we went one last time.

Grammy was nice enough to stay with Grant while just the 3 of us went. We played with EVERYTHING! The Lego's and all the toys that connect together.

Lucas built himself a house and then pretended he was a horse.

Lucas loved the magnetic tubes and putting balls through them and for the first time ever, we checked out the news station. Lucas was on TV reporting on the weather.

And of course we went into the play area and he put on the fire fighters uniform - Lucas love everything fireman related!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Going Home

It was finally time to go home. Grant had to stay an extra day to make sure he didn't have an infection. Dustin and I stayed an extra day on a hotel stay. I guess for the price we paid, it wasn't bad but honestly, we've stayed at better hotels!

Now we have two car seats in thee back and I had to squish in between both of them. Good thing we have a bigger car now!

Grant is so tiny in his car seat!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Our New Addition

Introducing...Grant Harrison Bowers!

We were surprised with a change in plans Friday morning! Grant Harrison Bowers decided he couldn't wait another minute to join our family and really, who could blame him? We are pretty awesome.
We were all exhausted by the time we got to bed. Dustin and I finally turned the lights out at 4 am. I hope we're ready for this!

Friday, May 13, 2011


I went to work as usual and I had a list of things I wanted to get done that weekend in preparation for the baby. Dustin was going to go to Pleasant Grove and measure a job and Lucas was going to spend the day at the Miller's playing with Alaina and Lydia.

But I was sitting at my desk eating breakfast when I felt a pop, a cramp and a gush of water. It was only 8:00 AM and I hadn't done anything on my list yet.
I rushed home because I hadn't packed my bag yet. Luckily Dustin and Lucas were still at home. Grammy rushed over to get Lucas and we went to the hospital.

We arrived at the hospital at 9:10 AM. Dustin was so excited to drive to the hospital because he thought he could drive fast but I told him to not hit any bumps (because I was in PAIN!) and so he drove slower just for me. He did park the car in the horseshoe and left it there for over an hour while I got settled. And he got me a wheelchair to sit in while we waited for them to tell us what room to go to.
We had the nicest nurse. Her name was Wendy and she was with us the ENTIRE day since she had just started her shift when we arrived. I immediately asked for an epidural and then spent the rest of the day in labor.

Grant Harrison Bowers was born at 10:36 PM. He was 6 pounds and 13 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long.

I was only able to see him for a minute before they took him away to clean him and do some tests. He had pooped while in utero and so they had to immediately suck his mouth and nose. Also, while I was in labor, I had a fever and they were worried that he had an infection. So he spent the first 2 1/2 hours in NICU getting an IV and running some tests.
His first bath was actually done in our room at 3 AM. He wasn't exactly thrilled about it but it was soon over and we were able to get some sleep. We're glad Grant is safely here!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Mother's Day.

I was so surprised when Luke and Dustin got up and made me breakfast in bed. We had eggs and bacon and it was actually in bed! The boys gave me this corsage to wear, it was so pretty and it smelled really good.

But the best part was that we had Grammy, Poppy, Uncle Joe, Grandma Bear-Bear and Grandpa Pop-Pop over for dinner and we had Chinese food. I LOVE CHINESE FOOD!

Dustin bought lettuce wraps from the Asian Star for everyone the night before and he made my favorite orange chicken and sweet and sour pork. Poppy made some really good Szechuan ribs and Joe made the best ever fried rice - and he made a ton of it! Leftover fried rice is my favorite. It was all so good.
The guys really outdid themselves.
I definitely felt appreciated.

I've already put in a request for another Chinese dinner next year!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Tulip Planter

Lucas has a great time at Home Depot every month doing the free workshop they have for kids. This month was a tulip planter and Lucas brought it home to paint. He was very intent on picking the right colors and getting it in the right spot. He was concentrating pretty hard. It looked great when it was done. Lucas decided to give it to his Grammy for Mother's Day.