The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


In preparation for the arrival of our new baby, we enrolled Lucas into a Sibling Class at IMC and it was AWESOME! The class was taught by one of the nurses, Lori, and the very first thing she did was talk about 3 rules.

1. Always wash your hands.
And this includes everyone, including Grandma's (that's what the nurse said!)
2. Always sit down.
This means no walking around with the baby (Yeah!)
3. Always Ask.
This means no giving the baby food or toys without asking mom or dad first.

I've been a little worried about Lucas doing some of these things so it was really good that someone else other than mom or dad talked about how important these rules are. I now have total faith in Lucas being really good around the baby. And bonus - Lucas has been washing his hands with NO complaint now.

We then watched a movie with a silly professor who talked more about babies and after the movie, Lori showed us the right way to hold a baby, how to change a diaper and swaddle the baby. All the kids brought a doll or stuffed animal so they could do all these things themselves. Afterwards, Lucas sat in his chair and gave his "baby" a bottle. I think he is going to be a GREAT helper. The class ended up with a tour of the Labor and Delivery rooms and also the patient rooms so Lucas (and mom and dad) would know where we are going to be in the hospital when the baby comes. I think Lucas is pretty excited about his new baby and it's going to be a great experience for our family.

So far we have changed the "baby's" diaper pretty close to a hundred times!

Before we left the hospital, Dustin took us over to the hallway near the Heart and Lung Wing of the hospital. There is a granite display along the windows that was one of the last jobs that Team Marble did that Dustin measured. It was an awesome piece of work!

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