The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Sunday, March 20, 2011

FHE - I Can Grow My Own Testimony

This week we decided to have our Family Home Evening with Grammy, Poppy, and Uncle Joe so we had it right after our family Sunday dinner.

We had a lesson about testimony's and to make it more simple for Lucas, I planted some "flowers" in a pot of "dirt"(which was our treat). Each petal had something about what a testimony is and how we can gain one by helping it to grow.

We watched a clip from one of the Living Scripture movies, "Alma and the Zoramites", which Lucas loved. He wanted to watch it over again.

One of the main concepts I wanted to talk about is what a tesitmony is, which is a feeling you have inside or an inward conviction. A testimony is also a knowledge you have, a knowledge that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the one and only true church and that:

No one can give you a testimony. A testimony is something that you have to gain yourself. “All of us as children of our Father in Heaven must gain our own individual testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you will prayerfully read the scriptures with your family or on your own, you will better understand what a testimony is and how you can gain and strengthen your own testimony.” Friend, Jan. 1991.

I know this lesson was a little over his head but I wanted to try and introduce some concepts to him about the gospel and why we believe in the gospel. I know he won't remember everything that we talked about but maybe later he will remember some of these things in future lessons and it will help him to know how important our testimony's are.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day


We had a fun day together (because Mom was so sick, she took a sick day). We all slept in and had a very late breakfast that could actually be considered lunch.

Dustin made everyone green eggs and pancakes. It was pretty good.

Of course we had to dress up for the holiday, although as you can see by the breakfast picture, it took Lucas a while to find some green to put on. We just stayed home and watched movies and basically "vegged" out.

That night I had book club at my house. I love book club and the women in my group are so much fun! The challenge was to bring a potluck treat that was green. I chickened out and ordered pizza instead of making something green. Lindsey brought mint Oreo's and Lucas discovered how much he really likes Oreo's. We also had a green quiche, pistachios, green grapes and green frosted sugar cookies. Yummy!

Monday, March 14, 2011

FHE - Bowling with the White's

Lucas had so much fun bowling on New Year's that I thought he might like to go bowling again. So we invited Aunt Jessica, Uncle Nathan, Andrew and Tyson to go bowling with us for a Family Home Evening activity.
It started out a lot of fun but Lucas was quickly distracted by the video arcade and ended up getting into a lot of trouble because he ran away from the group. We get a little worried when we can't see him in public places - we tend to think he might be kidnapped.
We had a lot of fun otherwise and we really like spending time with our cousins.

Party Line and Friends

Mondays have sort of become a special day for Lucas and I to hang out together, just the two of us. Today we were talking and the subject of friends came up. I asked Lucas if he had any friends and he said no.

Of course I corrected him and told him all the different friends that he has. Mainly family but Lucas does have a couple friends in his Primary class. I also told him that if he wanted to call any of his friends, then he could and he chose to call Uncle Jay.

So we called him and then talked to him for a while. We sure do miss Jay while he is at school in Las Vegas.

Men at Work

Lucas loves to help! Anything Dustin does, he wants to do it too. Sometimes (or a lot of times) it would be faster and easier without his help but he is so eager and how else is he going to learn?
This is a pretty crappy phone picture but you can make out that there was a lot of snowfall and the snow is as tall as Lucas.  Hopefully in a few years we can just send him out to take care of it and he can do it on his own!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Families Are Forever

Friends and neighbors come and go but Families are Forever.

We decided that we wanted to spend more time with family and so Grandma B., the Bowers, the White's and the Bowers will all try to meet the first Sunday of the month for dinner.

This month we met at Grandma B.'s house. Lucas and Tyson love to play together and they had a great time sitting at the table Grandma B received for the kids to sit at.

Dustin and Lucas decided to take his truck to drive around the lot by Grandma's house.