The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Sunday, March 20, 2011

FHE - I Can Grow My Own Testimony

This week we decided to have our Family Home Evening with Grammy, Poppy, and Uncle Joe so we had it right after our family Sunday dinner.

We had a lesson about testimony's and to make it more simple for Lucas, I planted some "flowers" in a pot of "dirt"(which was our treat). Each petal had something about what a testimony is and how we can gain one by helping it to grow.

We watched a clip from one of the Living Scripture movies, "Alma and the Zoramites", which Lucas loved. He wanted to watch it over again.

One of the main concepts I wanted to talk about is what a tesitmony is, which is a feeling you have inside or an inward conviction. A testimony is also a knowledge you have, a knowledge that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the one and only true church and that:

No one can give you a testimony. A testimony is something that you have to gain yourself. “All of us as children of our Father in Heaven must gain our own individual testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you will prayerfully read the scriptures with your family or on your own, you will better understand what a testimony is and how you can gain and strengthen your own testimony.” Friend, Jan. 1991.

I know this lesson was a little over his head but I wanted to try and introduce some concepts to him about the gospel and why we believe in the gospel. I know he won't remember everything that we talked about but maybe later he will remember some of these things in future lessons and it will help him to know how important our testimony's are.

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