The Bowers Bulletin

The Bowers Bulletin

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Princess and the Dragon

The Children's Museum at the Gateway had a special event this month. They had a puppet show that I thought sounded like a lot of fun. Lucas thought so too because he did a lot of laughing. It was very fun. We arrived with 5 minutes to spare so I found a chair on the back row. Lucas said he couldn't see so we found him a spot on the carpet on the front row! He had a very good view!
They had a monster named Martin come out and introduce the show. He brought his dog with him, Woof Woof. Martin doesn't like it when Woof Woof gives him kisses and all the kids thought it was pretty funny every time Woof Woof gave Martin the Monster a kiss. Martin tended to freak out a little. The show was pretty cute too. There was a princess named Princess Downy Fluff and a prince name Prince Wonderful and Prince Nice Enough. It turns out that Princess Downy Fluff fights the dragon herself - I think that Prince Wonderful is eaten by the dragon. Or maybe he was so scared he ran away never to be found again. I missed that part because I was too busy checking on Lucas. Anyway, Princess Downy Fluff and Prince Nice Enough live happily ever after climbing trees together.

Of course we had to stay and play for a couple of hours. Luke's favorite place to play is in the grocery store and house but today he decided to try out the water area. Of course his shirt was soaked afterwards.

Lucas also loves fire trucks and anything to do with them so when he found a fireman costume he had to wear it.

Later Dustin drove down to get us and we had lunch in the food court. Guess what Lucas had?
(chicken nuggets from "Donald Duck's")

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Chili cook-off

Did you know that February is National Chili Day?

I decided to organize a cook off in my office. It was pretty awesome and we had a great turn out. There were 8 people who volunteered to bring chili for the office and there were 10 people who volunteered to be Judges, including Sim Gill. He loved the idea of having an office party and he donated $20 for the winning prize.

I was so busy that I didn't even get a chance to try each of the chili's. Of course Ellis' chili was gone so I didn't try that but the others were pretty good. Cliff Gravett won Best Chili.
Maybe I'll do it again next year and I next time I'll try them all!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Love to see the Temple

Lucas noticed a picture of Laura and I on our wedding day hanging on the wall. We were standing in front of the temple. He proudly told me that he knew what the temple was and that he wanted to go there some day. I said that when he is bigger he can get married in the temple like mommy and daddy. He told me that he already was big. I said, "Well, then who are you going to marry?". He told me that he wanted me to pick for him. Lucas loves to have me pick what cereal he has in the morning or what book to read. I guess he really trusts my opinion! I told him that maybe he should find the girl himself and get to know her, then I can "approve" of her.

Monday, February 7, 2011

FHE - Reverance/Scriptures

We have trying to be more reverent while in sacrament meeting and so I thought the perfect lesson for family home evening would be a lesson on reverence.

Lucas had other ideas. As I was trying to encourage Dustin to use actual scriptures instead of his phone to read the scripture, Lucas noticed the scriptures I was handing Dustin. We then tried to talk to Lucas about what they are and why we read the scriptures.

He then told us that Tommy has brown scriptures that he takes to primary every week and Lucas wanted his own scriptures.

Dustin told him that if he would sit and listen for 2 more minutes, we would find him his own scriptures. It was the longest 2 minutes of Lucas' life. I quickly talked about what reverence is and where we should be reverent but then we had to go find some scriptures for Lucas. I don't think the lesson on reverence was really heard. Maybe we'll have to try again next week.

Needless to say, he loved the Book of Mormon we found him - luckily I found one on the bookshelf. He opened the book and found a couple pictures in the front; one of Jesus, Joseph Smith, and Moroni. We talked about who they are and what they did. Oh and did I mention he fell asleep holding onto his new Book of Mormon?

It's amazing to me how many times I wished I would have listened more in seminary. Lucas is constantly asking questions about stories in the Book of Mormon and the Bible. I know some stories but I find myself turning to Dustin, the returned missionary, a lot just to be sure. I hope that Lucas continues to love his Book of Mormon and that he will find comfort in it the way that I have. I know that if he remembers the stories and the lessons taught in the scriptures, he will be continually blessed and comforted because of it.

Dustin says: The scriptures are an important way for us to learn about our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They are like a journal of many people who lived a long time ago and wanted to share their experiences and things they had learned. By reading the scriptures, we can learn from them and become better people as well as learn how to become more like Jesus so that we can return to live with him someday. If you read your scriptures, you can feel Heavenly Father's love and become a better person.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


A couple Sundays ago, I picked Lucas up from his Primary class and he ran up to me (for once) and he gave me a big hug. Then he pulled back a little and said, "I had coffee!"

"What?!?", I said and he told me he had coffee. It turns out they gave the kids taffy as a treat. And he liked it.

So today Dustin took him to Taffy Town and they picked out a bunch of taffy. Lucas was in heaven! Lucas has since learned how to say taffy so there is no more confusion about what he's eating.